Wednesday, August 11, 2010

is it tough to be a Mrs.Software ?

I have read a lot of poems depicting how the sw ppl lose their life for money . every other poem is interesting and good to read. I read one such poem this afternoon and was thinking about it for a while..

When I was working for a software giant say some 8-9 yrs back , I was in one of the most hectic project . I leave home by 2 or 3 AM the next day. In fact there have been days when I have stayed at work continuously for more than 24 hrs straight . But the thing is that I enjoyed it and never felt like am missing life . For that matter my entire project team was also like that . The truth is that in spite of such a project schedule I found time to find my lucky love , my best half too.

OK that is an old story .
Coming to this date , my hubby is with a leading software company. He too works day in and out and at times sleeps at 2 AM. Even then he has always got that few little seconds for me , to pick my fone , to reply me when I ping him in IM. True that most of the time he says shall I call u later , but never he has failed to answer me . He never complaints about his long hrs of work rather the complaint always would be that he needs to do something more challenging.He is always there when ever I needs him.

May be ideas change or prespective change..or May be Iam gifted with such a darling am still not able to feel the pain when some one complains how IT has taken away the love from life and life from them.